Category Archives: Awakening The Inner Physician

Protection from the Corona Virus!

We have what we need within us to navigate the global health crisis happening in the world right now.

I know from the personal experience of surviving 5 heart attacks and open heart surgery that if we tap into our inner physician/inner healer/innate intelligence we will know what to do for ourselves to stay healthy and keep our immune systems strong. I believe I wouldn’t have survived had I not listened to my inner physician. It inspired me to try alternative methods for healing my heart.

According to Dr. Albert Schweitzer, “Each patient carries his own doctor inside him. “ he encouraged his fellow doctors to work with that intelligence because he believed it was a powerful healer.

I am urging each of you to do the same. First you have to believe you have innate healing intelligence. Next you need to start working with it. I Work with mine through conversations in my journal.

I published “Empowered Health and Wellness, awakening your inner physician “ in 2014 after 9 years of writing my personal healing experiences and researching healing techniques. It won an award a few years ago for best book on alternative health.

It’s the book I return to when I need health and wellness guidance.

Hindy Hedgehog’ Magical Garden is the companion book for children that teaches them about the inner healer.

From my book: “If the patient is only seen as “ill” he is cut off from his inner capacity to heal and he gives his power away to the doctor. Those who are aware that they have the innate power of the Inner Physician are empowered to work on their own behalf to find the best solutions, whether it is allopathic medicine, alternative means of healing or a combination of things.”

I urge all of my friends to start working with their inner physician. As you learn to work with it you will find you get concise information just for you. Like your own prescription for health.

And PLEASE don’t give your power over to fear. That will challenge your immune system and set you up.

Fear is a consciousness and it has increased exponentially. Do your best to choose health consciousness. Our choice can help or hinder health in others.

We can navigate this crisis together.

Books referenced here available from Mystick Creek Publishing

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Filed under Awakening The Inner Physician, Empowered Health and Wellness, health and wellness, Uncategorized

Third Anniversary of Heart Attack



Three years ago today, on the Equinox, I had the first of three heart attacks, that resulted in my having open heart surgery.  This first heart attack lead me on an amazing journey home to my heart. I painted this painting to celebrate the anniversary and my healthy ❤️

Early in the morning, three years ago, I had a dream that was a sacred ceremony in which the six pointed star was placed in my heart and the Vesica Pisces was placed in my womb. Both of these are symbols of balancing the Masculine and Feminine energies. So is the Equinox. I woke up knowing something powerful had just happened. That evening I had the heart attack.

I was blindsided. Soul contracts are like that!

That began a 2 1/2 year journey of self discovery, where I found out what I was capable of doing under extreme pressure. It showed me what I was truly made of and that I could endure the worst and become my best. It showed me my mortality and highlighted my desire to live❤️

This journey brought me back to my heart, which is the source of my wisdom. I know what my heart desires and what it doesn’t. It brought me back to my purpose, which is to share my love and deep wisdom through my art and I am committed and dedicated to that purpose now more than ever. No more distractions.

My heart is open. It is tender, sensitive and knowing as well as strong, wise and healthy. I am at home in my heart.

Thank you for witnessing my process, loving me through it, shoring me up when I needed it and showing me the importance of surrounding yourself with a community of care.

Sharing this journey was the most vulnerable thing I have done and not easy, but it felt important.

That chapter is done and I am onto a new chapter.

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Filed under A wakening consciousness, Awakening The Inner Physician, heart Health, Resilient Heart, Uncategorized

The Angel of the Heart

Angel of The Heart

From the Resilient Heart Art book


“What if every illness had an angel assigned to it and we could call on that angel to help us return to perfect health? Why not? Most of us love angels, no matter what religion or spiritual path we follow. I feel a sense of peace when I see pictures of angels. I love the idea that there might be an angel for every illness and feel it is worth taking time to explore.

So, let’s say there is an angel assigned to heart disease. It is the same angel that can heal our broken heart…”

Intro to Chapter Four of Resilient Heart “The Angel of the Heart”

We can let this angel hold our illness for a time when it becomes too much for us to handle.  Just by letting go and letting the angel hold your issues for a while you open up a space for healing to happen.

Resilient Heart and Resilient Heart Art available at Mystickcreekpublishing


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Filed under Awakening The Inner Physician, Empowered Health and Wellness, health and wellness, heart Health, Resilient Heart

Some Things Come as a Complete Surprise!

 book award

Ever since I wrote my book and published it at the end of 2014  I have been learning about marketing.  Writing a book is one thing but marketing is another animal!  Something I didn’t have any education in.  I just wanted to write, I didn’t think about marketing!

After the excitement of a book launch and selling your new book to all of your friends reality sets in.  Now what do I do?  I started reading a lot of books on how who to market your book.  You know the ones:  How I sold a bazillion books on Amazon in a week,  How I jumped to the top 100 on Amazon in record speed,  How Oprah found my book and I got famous,  those books!  Most of those books only worked for the people who wrote them!

Elizabeth Gilbert, of Eat Pray Love fame was sent a copy of my book by a friend of mine when it first came out.  I signed it to her.  I think she is as close to Oprah as I will get, but who knows.  She could pick it up from her pile of books and read it someday and be delighted.

I learned very quickly that getting people to write Amazon review was like pulling teeth.  I am not sure I understand why but it is, even if the LOVED your book. It is a frustrating fact!  With out reviews your sales are less and when your sales are less your book hovers around the 2,000,000 rank on Amazon, which means no one doing a search will find it

For the last month I have been feeling frustrated with the whole marketing process.  I really didn’t know what to do!  My book is amazing and I know it will change lives if people read it, but I didn’t know how to get it into people’s hands!

If you are an author you know what I mean when I say, I got to the point where I was wondering if anyone cared.  I wondered if that was it, I was probably not going to sell any more books.  I had put myself out there in a very transparent way and had gotten very little feedback and couldn’t help but think maybe it was too honest.  Maybe I had revealed too much.  Maybe what I said didn’t have value after all.  This is the hard part about being an author in my opinion.  We write because we hope someone else will read what we wrote.  I don’t care what anyone says.  We want people to read our books and be touched in some way.  Humans love recognition, and I am not an exception.

Yesterday I got an email from a bookstore in Florida that is interested in my book.  The first line was “I found your book on-line and  saw that you won an award for it! ”   I stared at that line and thought, “No I didn’t!”  I did a google search and couldn’t find anything.  She wanted to sell my book in her store.  I didn’t want to email her back and say that I hadn’t won an award so I searched again, and found it.  I HAD won an award and didn’t even know it!

National Indie Excellence Award in Alternative Medicine

What?  That means I am an award winning author!

I searched my email and sure enough, there it was May, 17, 2015 and I missed it!


It is our great pleasure to inform you that you are a Winner in the 9th Annual NationalIndie Excellence Awards. Your book truly embodies the excellence that this award was created to celebrate, and we salute you and your fine work.

The lists of winners and finalists will be highlighted on our website. Please go to to see your name and book cover among those of the other proud winners and finalists.

The entire team at the National Indie Excellence Awards sincerely hope your participation in our contest will serve you well in your ongoing success. You have our deepest congratulations.


Ellen Reid
President & CEO
National Indie Excellence Awards

I surrender!  My book has a life of it’s own and apparently it is keeping parts of it secret until I am ready to hear about them.

If you are writing a book or have published a book and are at all frustrated with the process DON’T GIVE UP!


Filed under Awakening The Inner Physician, Empowered Health and Wellness, My Journey as an author, Uncategorized

Healing Space within…


I have always believed that the “mistakes” we make when creating a work of art are the place through with spirit can enter the piece. I think the same thing is true of injuries and dis-ease in our body. It is an entry way for spirit and makes us more beautiful.  So if you are in the place of healing right now imagine that space in you that is out of harmony filled with gold.


Filed under Awakening The Inner Physician, Empowered Health and Wellness