Day 39 of Nourishing the Heart of the Feminine and Masculine: Unity Consciousness

The Heart of the Feminine

This 40 experience has been a big success! It has given me even more clarity on what I want to create for myself and what I would like to contribute to the outer world, as I continue my journey of living an authentic life, from my heart.

It has strengthened my belief in the goodness of humanity and our ability to create a world that supports all of us to live happy, fulfilled lives. I also know that on the bridge between 2 cosmic ages, it is very messy. That’s is the nature of change and that is where we are as a collective. We are in messy, confusing, chaotic times.

Now more than ever the work that must be done, if the world is to change, is that of knowing and understanding yourself. That includes knowing who you are and who you aren’t and where you end and another…

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What will you do with your one wild and precious life?

The Heart of the Feminine

❤️“What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ❤️Mary Oliver

My wild and precious life, thank you for the amazing adventure so far. I have experienced adventures, misadventures, setbacks, blessings and miracles, challenges and disappointments, all of which have added to the richness of my life. I have two amazing children and two out of this world, amazing grandchildren and hundreds of amazing friends. I have traveled the world solo and experienced things that many people may never experience. In fact my whole life has been that kind of trip.

✨This birthday feels very important to me because my last 5 birthdays happened during the most difficult time in my life. I always viewed those 5 years as an initiation and I feel that I have crossed an important threshold into a new chapter, that I have earned through a lot of blood, sweat, tears…

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Awaken the Divine Feminine

Embracing the Sacred Feminine/Awakening the Goddess has been my life’s work. Out of my personal work in this area, came two tools that are empowering for anyone, man or woman, at this time as the Sacred Feminine energy is rising exponentially on the planet.

We are in a wobble right now because the masculine/Patriarchal energy has been dominant for thousands of years and the feminine more invisible.. This isn’t the true Sacred Masculine energy, but an out of balance energy about control and domination.

Because the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine are out of balance they manifest as out of balance in each of us. We don’t even know what authentic masculine and feminine energy is! This is why male/female relationships can be challenging. We don’t understand our true nature.

I understand the feminine energy on a deep level because I was born with an over abundance of it and because I have worked to embody it for 30 years. I am on the planet tho help anchor it in through my art and writing.

Both of these tools, Awaken the Goddess and Alcyone Rising were gifts from my soul to me as a way for me to discover my Sacred Feminine. They are powerful tools for anyone who wants to become balanced in their authentic feminine energy.

Awaken the Goddess was my first deck which has sold all over the world. There are a limited quality of this left. It is 44 visionary paintings of the Goddess.

Alcyone Rising is a book and meditation deck that I published last year. It contains 100 page book that assists you in exploring the Sacred Feminine and a meditation deck with 63 images. The book contains a medicine story that I wrote.

They can be ordered from the links in comments.

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Unity verses Chaos

Love in Heart Space

Thinking out loud…

Information, disinformation…there is a lot of it right now. It isn’t just coming from the so called “conspiracy theory” crowd either. Some is true…some is not on both sides of the narrative. So if you are paying attention and aren’t at least a little confused right now, you must be brilliant! A genus in fact.

Picking sides, out of that confusion, is a way to feel like you have control. You don’t! It isn’t a position of power at all. Responding out of this space is not a powerful place from which to respond. It is also the cause for all of the separation we are feeling.

I don’t think it is random. Our country has been destabilized and it wasn’t because of one person, for to say that, would give one person a whole lot of power wouldn’t it?

I have never been one who was…

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