Category Archives: It Works! Global

It Works Global and the top 10 criteria of Great Network Marketing Opportunity

Here are ten tips to help you decide that the It Works Global opportunity is right for you.

Click here to learn more about each one

1. Has the company been around for at least 5 years?

It Works Global was started in 2001 and despite the bad economy they have done well every year since.

“The biggest challenge in this industry—and really the worldwide market—is to offer an uncommon solution, a true original, that captivates people and offers them something they never thought possible before.  When we found the Ultimate Body Applicator, we knew we had something special to share with the world.” – Mark Pentecost, CEO It Works! Global

To this day, It Works!’ first product is still its most popular: The Ultimate Body Applicator.  The site-specific body contouring treatment has been in the hands of celebrities at Hollywood events and at the doorsteps of people like you all over the world—exclusively available through It Works! Global. It all started when Mark Pentecost received a call from Pam Sowder (now It Works! Chief Networking Officer) raving about a product that was an alternative to the growing trend for more drastic measures like cosmetic surgeries or constricting shape-wear.

2. Is the company debt free?

The economic crisis that began in 2009 presented many families and businesses across the world with devastating circumstances.  We at It Works! feel very fortunate to have been able to be a source of hope for families in need during such difficult years through our steadfast business opportunity.

Despite the grim economy, It Works! became debt-free in 2009, and sales began to reach unprecedented heights.


3. Does the company offer products or services that are unique?

Our flagship product The Ultimate Body Applicator, also know as The Skinny Wrap is one of a kind and can’t be duplicated.

When the Pentecosts traveled to try this seemingly unbelievable product, Mark recalls, “I watched my wife try it. She was ecstatic with the results, and I watched her call her girlfriend right away to tell her what had happened.  Her girlfriend said that she wanted to try it, and they hung up.  It wasn’t 30 seconds later, her girlfriend called back and said, ‘My daughter was listening, and she wants one for her chin. Is there something for the chin?’ That was when I knew that we had a perfect product for direct selling, a product that people would be excited to share with their friends and family.”

Since then, the Ultimate Body Applicator has become a global phenomenon, and Pam Sowder now travels all over the world to meet with distributors, give hands-on training and support, and share the Ultimate Body Applicator.

4. Is there a genuine need for the product or service?

The Skinny Wrap is in high demand around the world.  Coupled with our Supplement and Skin Care Line this is the perfect storm.In his pursuit to find the best vitamin to keep his own body healthy, Mark has made it possible for you to have access to the same superior formula for yourself and your family. This standard of providing the best quality supplements on the market has carried through all our product formulations and remains the driving force behind the It Works! dietary supplements line.

Today, the It Works supplements line is a comprehensive collection of nutritional solutions for real people like you to help you combat the elements and stay healthy, and Dr. Don travels around the world with Chief Networking Officer Pam Sowder to teach on the benefits of the It Works! supplements and spread his message of ten easy steps to better health.

We proudly stand behind our commitment to nutritional supplements that contain the highest quality ingredients, offering you real, life-changing results at affordable prices. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, lose weight, get top-notch nutrition, regulate your digestive system, or turn back the hands of time from the inside out, there is a solution for you in the It Works! supplements line.


100 Solid Top MLM Companies  Listed Alphbetically includes It Works Global

5. Is the product or service trendy or a fad?

Our flagship product has been giving people results for over 14 years.  The results include benefits to health, anti-inflammation, reduction in stretch marks as well as improvement in physical appearance.  This product raises self-esteem in people who have been fighting weigh gain an for mom’s who want to lose the stretch marks and “baby pooch”.  It is a product that is used by personal trainers, body builders and chiropractors.  It is a trend that is here to stay.

6. Can you generate immediate income?

Below is a chart of the annual incomes distributors were making in 2013.  There are many levels of bonuses as well as commissions.  Several of the bonuses kick in immediately as the new distributor starts to build their business.  One of the missions of It Works is to help as many people as possible become debt free.  They do that by modeling debt freedom and by putting more money into the field.


7. Does the marketing system take full advantage of technology?

It works uses a state of the art technology system for both our sales website and our e-suite where we manage our businesses.  They have used social media to expand their reach and recently came out with a phone app for distributors that is also state of the art.

8. Is the person who is introducing you to the opportunity committed to YOUR success?

One of the slogans It Works has is One Team One Mission, which means that not only does the sponsor have a commitment to your success but so does the corporate team.  There are many opportunities for training both locally and nationally. It Works has a state of the art Training Academy on line available to each distributor.  It is up to the individual distributors to stay plugged in and take advantage of what is available.

9. Is there a way to build your business part-time without losing your full-time income?

People work this Network Marketing Opportunity part time while continuing to work full-time.  Many of them discover that they are making more money with It Works after a while, that they quit their full-time jobs and this becomes their full time job.

10. Will you have FUN?

Friends, Fun and Freedom is our sloggan!  We have a great time as a team.



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Filed under It Works! Global, network marketing

Everything Happens for a Reason!


It is not a coincidence that you have landed on my blog page! Have you by any chance been looking for a way to change your financial situation?

It Works Global is like no other opportunity out there because of the company’s commitment to helping as many people as possible become debt free. This year they have given millions of dollars back into the field just in bonuses!  The commissions along make for an amazing income without the bonuses!

Does this interest you at all? If so I will tell you all about it when you message me! I look forward to hearing from you and being a part of your new success! Do it now!


Filed under Entrepreneurship, It Works! Global

Look How Far We’ve Come!

team boot camp Aug 2014  300 people


Over the weekend my team leaders and I put on a Minnesota It Works Boot Camp.   There were 300 distributors in the energy packed room.  Myself and Darlene were part of the first 4 people in Minnesota to represent It Works so she and I put on a little history show.   I had never put all of the events that we have seen happen into a narrative so it informed me in a new way and showed me how far we have come in the six and a half years that we have been in the business.  Our first Boot Camp in Minnesota was done by Pam Sowder and there were about 30 people in attendance.


I joined It Works on May 1, 2008.  My dear friend called me from a party that she was attending and said ” Are you sitting down?  I am at a party and they are putting on an herbal patch and people are losing inches in 45 minutes”.  We could talk about inch loss in those days.  I had such a strong intuitive hit about this product and company that I responded ” sign me up!”  She had to go sign herself up so  that she could sign me up.  This It Works Body Wrap sounds like a vanity product but it does so much more on the level of healing and energy and that is why I wanted to be part of it.  If it was just about vanity I would not be interested and would not have signed up to stand behind it.

We had been in the company about a month and my friend and I decided that we wanted to find out about the corporate team and their vision.  Neither of us wanted to go all in until we knew they were in alignment with our vision of health and integrity.  Eight of us jumped in an RV and drove to the head quarters which was in Grand Rapids, MI. At the time the company was very small and only 7 years old. It was owned by Mark Pentecost and Pam Sowder.  Mark was the CEO and Pam was building It Works one person at a time.

We were greeted by Mark, Pam and Dave and Debbie Sasek and treated like we were the royalty arriving from Minnesota.  Like I said It Works was just a small company and we were a big deal!  We spent several days there having lunches and dinners with corporate staff, having a tour of the tiny corporate head quarters, having a private all day training and being part of the first webinar It Works ever did.


  • The shipping department was a wall in one of the rooms with a long table and a few boxes of product and two people working it.
  • Customer Service was one person.  Her name was Sharon and she knew each of us by name
  • We could call Doug, our CFO, directly when ever we had an issue about comp plan or commissions and he would fix it right away.  He knew all of us by name too.
  • We had what I thought was a cheesy website, that I didn’t want to send anyone to.  At one point our CEO walked out of the side of the website and started talking.  Later when he lost some weight using the products he walked out of his heavier self, thinner and did a presentation.  That was upgraded technology.
  • We didn’t have a personal back office just a list of people we had signed up in kind of a tree structure.
  • We had very few marketing materials and no branding.
  • There was no easy way to duplicate the business
  • We were just learning as we went a long.

The purpose of this was so that It Works could pay off all of the debt that had accumulated while they were building.   It paid off because in 2009 we became debt free and are to this day.  That is very important in business.  Businesses come and go because they fail to build on a healthy financial structure. Businesses that are debt free will be around for a long time.

I have been to 7 Annual Conferences with It Works so I haven’t missed any.  The first one I attended was in a small hotel conference room and there were around 190 people in attendance.  By the second year it had grown to around 450 and I was one of the presenters on a panel.


I remember being scared to death to speak!  This weekend that wasn’t an issue because I have personally grown through the experience.  Network Marketing is the best vehicle for personal development on the planet, I can attest to that!







Here are some images from my early days with the company

101_2741This was before the webinar just hanging around the pool getting to know each other. In the photo we are holding Dr. Don Verhulst, our Chief Medical Officer.  Pam Sowder is in the middle front with Dr. Don in her arms, Pam and Cindy Pentecost are in the back row, middle, Kami Dempsey, currently our top income earner is in black and white in the front and Dave and Debbie Sasek our Ambassador upline on he right side at the end.  I am holding up Dr. Don’s legs from the back row.  As you can see this is a company that loves to have fun!


Mn Diamonds




Another photo from our trip to Grand Rapids after we arrived and had dinner with Mark Pentecost and Pam Sowder.

Most people in Network Marketing don’t get an opportunity to see the early beginnings of a company and build relationships with the corporate team so I feel very fortunate.







  • Head quarters has had to move twice because of the growth.  In 2011 It Works Global moved to Bradenton, Florida and almost 100% of the team moved with them, which is unheard of!   In 2014 we moved into our new, state of the art, waterfront headquarters because in 3 years they out grew the building  they had been in.  There are slides from each floor a roof top mini golf course and bistro’s on every level.


201405-iw-headquarters-front1 304xx1000-667-0-0

  • We have an easy to duplicate Steps to Success that anyone can follow and build a successful business
  • We have beautiful branding that is very recognizable, comprehensive marketing tools, branded wearing apparel and a beautiful website, .
  • We are in line this year to be a billion dollar brand
  • We have been featured in the Oscars and Emmy’s swag bags, Direct Selling News, Inc. 500, Success From Home Magazine, because of the rapid growth and expansion we are experiencing
  • We have a first-to-market product that can’t be copied, with both health benefits and instant gratification that is selling like hot cakes
  • Our compensation plan is unique and has a great pay out.
  • We are opened in the US and 17 other countries around the world.














All of this and we are just entering momentum, only 2 in 10 people have ever heard of us, and only 70,000 distributors around the world.  We are considered a ground level company and there is still room for anyone to build a successful legacy for themselves and their families!

I am only touching on some of the highlights to show how far we have come.  There is so much more that contributed to the explosive growth of It Works!  This is just to impress upon the reader how far we have come in a few short years.




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Filed under It Works! Global

A Blessing in Disguise!

182983_20140228_122541_never_never_give_up_copyLast week I wrote a blog about Facebook after the band me for life from advertising on my business page.  They never gave me a reason for this lifetime sentence.  You can read about it here to catch up: Does Facebook Control Your Business?

First of all I must say, I was doing very well advertising my business on Facebook including booking lots of parties, getting a lot of one on one appointments, which lead to lots of Loyal Customers and was signing up new distributors on a regular basis.  It was easy and I could do it right from my computer, which was why I put so much time, money and effort into building readership of my page.  I wanted it to work and be easy and I accomplished that goal.

After being band from advertising I decided to look into Google Adwords Express.  I created a ad, picked a budget and submitted it to Google and it was approved.  A few days later in the middle of the night, emails started coming in from Google saying that my ad was on hold because they felt our replicated website was making false claims, which it isn’t.  I got a series of emails over about 5 minutes and the final one said my website was banded and I could never advertise the address ever again.  I was trying to sleep and couldn’t even respond to what they were saying.  All I could think was “This is unbelievable!”

Wow! What was going on?  I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong so maybe someone was targeting our company, It Works! Global.  It was happening on Facebook.  No one in my company can post our websites because Facebook believes they are “Spam”.  This started last year some time.  This kind of thing starts to happen when a company has explosive growth and has a product that is over the top popular like ours does.

For two weeks I didn’t have any business…zero…nadda…nothing!  In a month that I was hoping to promote and get a huge bonus, my business had flat lined!

I had gotten comfortable with all the business I was getting from Facebook and that was where my focus was.  Not a smart idea, in retrospect.  When I got blocked from Google Ads I started to think that maybe the Universe was trying to tell me this wasn’t for me and I should quit the business.  When you get that many road blocks so quickly it could be a sign.  I wasn’t getting any business and I was being stopped ever direction I turned.  Maybe quitting was what I should do.

Ah, but I am not a quitter!  I am also very stubborn.  Don’t tell me no, don’t tell me I can’t so something because my mode of operation is to rebel.  I believe there are multiple solutions to every problem and no one is going to stop me when I am on a mission.  I become even more unstoppable when someone or something is saying “no”.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do but I knew I had to refocus and not look at what wasn’t working.  When you look at what isn’t working you just create more of what isn’t working. If I did that, I might as well just quit.

So I changed my mindset away from the not working, away from lack consciousness and toward what I knew was possible and I asked the universe to show me the way. I am in a business that is exploding, people want what I have and I just need to find those people.  Sounds easy enough.

As soon as I shifted my thinking to seeing the possibilities, my phone started ringing.  People were calling me from no where, to sign up to be customers, to have parties and to buy Body Wraps.  In the first several days I sold 15 wraps when in the two weeks before that I had sold zero.  People were calling me to become business partners in my business and they were finding me on Google and I wasn’t paying anything! People I had talked to in the past were following up with me. I was getting messages from my Facebook business page without advertising at all.   Google and Facebook were saving me money and my business was alive.

The other thing I started doing was jumping for joy and saying “Thank You” every time I got a new customer, sold a wrap, had a phone call about the business.  Gratitude is magnetic and when you are grateful the universe sends you more of what you are grateful for.  Now I was thanking Facebook and Google for blocking my way because I was seeing other ways to go.

Since I changed my mind doors have opened for me with new ways to grow my business that I hadn’t thought about before.

What I learned from the experience is when challenges show up look at them as opportunities for expansion.  When you open up to possibilities magic happens.  I think I had gotten so focused on working Facebook that I had shut down the possibilities that were out there waiting for me.  It is one thing to focus and another to be so focused you miss seeing what might be available around you.

When you are open you will find that something better is always right around the next corner.  Keep your eyes open for the magic!


Filed under Entrepreneurship, It Works! Global, Law of attraction in business, Personal development

PERFECT for Holistic Health Practitioners


“Hottest, most profitable, massage therapy add-on on the market…”
-As seen on CNN

Do you work with people who are losing weight?  How about people who want to detoxify (mind/body/spirit)?  Do you work with people who have inflammation and chronic pain?  Please keep reading…

I have always believed in a whole body approach to health and wellness.  I was a psychologist for 26 years and always felt it was important to address peoples issues holistically.  I am a trained sound healer, visionary artist, intuitive and hands on healer. I have studied nutrition on a personal level for 25 years. I was excited when I discovered a supplement line that I could take in complete confidence but also share with others.  One of the products, The Ultimate Body Applicator has turned the industry upside down, because of what it does for the body and because it has no competition in the market place.

Are you a massage therapist, chiropractor, hydro-colon therapist, hands on healer, or anything of that nature? Would you like to add a second income stream to your business that would enhance the work you are doing already?

Would you like to offer your clients solutions that they can work with to improve their health and wellness?

Would you like to leverage your time so you can do everything that you want to do in the world?

Would you like to work smarter not harder?

I love to collaborate with like minded people in mutual support so…

Read on.

I have discovered a product with a system that not only enhances what you are doing with clients but adds a new stream of income for you.

The product is called the Ultimate Body Applicator which was created by Luis Mijares.  Luis’s passion for research and development in the skin care, nutritional, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries began when he was a child, learning natural herbal remedies from his grandmother in Mexico. His has abundant credentials, including his experience as the CEO of a top pharmaceutical company, as an international renown  herbalist and university educator of phytotherapy (the uses of plants for medicinal purposes), along with his keen personal interest in natural solutions has lead to the creation of this product.

Luis developed a synergistic, botanically based cream which when applied to the body not only tightens, tones and firms but also sends healing nutrients deep into the layers of the skin.  These herbs go into the skin and begin a process which can enhance any kind of healing work the practitioner is doing.  This herbal solution can reduce pain and inflammation, minimize the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite and it is doing so much more.

If you work with clients to detoxify their body, clients with pain and inflammation, clients who are trying to lose weight and clients who want to improve their health, and if you understand energy, vibration and the healing power of herbs the Ultimate Body Applicator is the perfect companion for your work.

What is the “Ultimate Applicator”!?

The Ultimate Applicator is a site-specific non-woven cloth body wrap composed of all-natural water and oil soluble herbal ingredients, with no synthetic, artificial or animal by-products. The Applicators have been in scientific formulation for over 25 years, and were previously only offered in very high-end spas and cruise lines. The Applicators contain a powerful herbal serum that penetrates deep into the sub dermal layers of the skin.  As you can see by the list of ingredients below, some of the herbs in the solution are known to  stimulate cellular lipolytic activity and increase lymphatic drainage, others tighten, tone and firm the skin and hydrate as well as reduce inflammation.  The synergy created by combining the herbs in specific timing and specific amounts makes the formula even more powerful.

How is it applied?

It’s TOO SIMPLE! Just put it on anywhere you are looking to tone and tighten your skin, and then remove after 45 minutes! The wrap employs an easy, one-step, 45 minute application directly to the surface of the skin!  It takes about 2 minutes to apply and is mess free.  Here are the simple steps:


How would I make money with It Works!?

1. Sell the Applicators at retail! Upon registering with It Works!, the wraps are available to you at a wholesale cost of about $15.00 each. At a typical retail price of $25-$40 to your customer, that’s a markup of 200-400% of pure PROFIT for YOU! Simply suggest to those you come in contact with that you have a new herbal body wrap that will help them tone tighten and firm their waistline in just 45 minutes! And let the wraps speak for themselves. The wraps are no mess, easy to apply and extremely lightweight! You can sell your wraps on the internet, at your home spa parties, or in your own store front. The
choice is yours, and the opportunities are endless.

2.Use the Applicator as an adjunct service to enhance the work that you are doing for the client.  It takes two minutes to apply at the beginning of the session, with no mess, no need for water or added equipment.  The wrap does it’s work while you are doing your service and removed at the end of your session, thus enhancing the work you just completed.  Practitioners typically add $30-$50 for this add on.

3. Earn a residual income by creating loyal customers! As your customers, friends, and family begin to fall in love with the Applicators, you will start to refer them to visit your It Works! website, where they will purchase the wraps at a reduced price, and you will receive 15% of their total purchases! You will receive this 15% for the lifetime of their purchases! When you reach 60 active customers, you will receive an add-on bonus of $600, automatically! You do nothing! The applicators are shipped to their homes, and you receive a check every month!

4. Refer other practitioners, who you feel would benefit if they added this service to there practice, to become distributors on your team.  Within your very first month as a product distributor, you will have realized the great income potential this service provides. And, if you are in the position where you know a few others who might also want to earn some great income from home, you will very likely have the potential to retire much earlier than you may have planned! When you sign up a new distributor, you earn 10-15% of that new distributor’s sales for as long as they continue to sell! And when your new distributor signs another distributor to sell the Applicators, you get 10-15% of their sales as well! You can see the potential for HUGE amounts of residual income.



Personal Trainers

Weight Loss Coaches

Massage Therapists

Body Workers



Tanning Salons

The list is endless…

How much does it cost to get started?

This is the best part. The only out of pocket cost you will have is a $99 registration fee, which will entitle you to: All the rights to purchase product at wholesale and sell our entire product line, and an assortment of sales aids, product brochures, distributor and customer forms, postcards, and much more. With such a small investment, its hard to go wrong! Let the product prove itself!  Your monthly investment will be $125 to stay qualified as a distributor.  This $125 includes 8 Ultimate Body Wraps that you will sell for between $30-$50 each.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up TODAY by simply visiting the web at the website  and clicking on the link labeled Join!’ , where you can then choose the $99 Distributor Starter Kit. In doing so, we will contact you within 24 hours to setup a product training session, schedule your first order of Ultimate Applicators, and give you all the information you need to get started immediately! Feel free to call 651-955-3673 or email with ANY questions you may have!



AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM (Horse Chestnut): Provides astringent and anti-inflammatory benefits for products treating reddened, irritated or sensitive skin. In Germany, extract from its seed has been approved to treat poor circulation to the legs, leg cramps, swelling and non-specific leg heaviness. Traditionally used for its ability to reduce varicose veins and to treat hemorrhoids.

CAMELLIA SINENSIS (Green Tea) Extract: Green tea is known to contain two active groups of chemicals known as xanthenes and polyphenols or catechins. The xanthenes include components such as caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. These active agents have been demonstrated to suppress inflammation and irritation, and more recently, they have been shown to reduce cellulite. Polyphenols (also know as catechins) exhibit powerful anti-oxidant properties, which play an important role in the prevention of cell damage. Consequently, green tea extract is considered to play a vital role in protecting the cell from free radical damage initiated by environmental factors such as exposure to UV light. Powerful antioxidant components help prevent or delay skin aging.

CENTELLA ASIATICA (Hydrocotyl): Applied to the skin, it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Studies at the Department of Dermatology in Strasbourg indicate it is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, effective in the treatment of wounds, ulcers and lymphatic edema. Particularly suited to the fragile skin around the eyes. Hydrocotyl extract assists in reducing inflammation and sensitivity of the skin. Tightens the skin and increases the elasticity. Hydrocotyl extract is used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine to combat excessively dry skin.

EQUISETUM ARVENSE (Horsetail) Extract: This herb has a long history as an effective treatment for damaged and tired skin. Used for its astringent, tightening, and firming properties on the skin. It helps heal wounds. It also helps to improve the elasticity of the skin. The herb helps eliminate excess oil from skin and hair. Coadjutant in treatment of wrinkled skins.

EUCALYPTUS GLOBUS (Eucalyptus) LEAF OIL: Disinfectant, stimulating, clears skin blemishes by reducing excessive oiliness. Promotes the regeneration of skin tissue. Valued for its awakening revitalizing fragrance. Eucalyptus oil has blood stimulation properties (A vaso-dilator that improves blood circulation), beneficial for the treatment of hair loss. It has antiseptic, cooling and stimulating properties. Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties on the skin. It can also be a skin irritant, particularly on abraded skin.

FUCUS VESICULOSUS (Seaweed) Extract: Derived from the dried Thallus (bulbous root) of Fucus Vesiculosus, a type of seaweed. It is rich in the same vital nutrients, trace elements and amino acids present in human blood plasma, allowing it to penetrate the skin more thoroughly than most other ingredients. It speeds up the elimination of toxins from cells and is a natural cellular renewal ingredient. It also helps to nourish and remineralize the skin. High in silicon, which is believed to keep the skin from wrinkling and sagging, it is used for its anti-inflammatory and revitalizing properties.

HEDERA HELIX (Ivy) Extract: Extracted from the evergreen climbing plant. Ivy is well known for its toning, tightening and skin refining properties. Ivy Extract has slimming and anti-cellulite properties, as it prevents water accumulation in skin tissues. It is antibacterial and soothing in cases of sunburn. Ivy Extract is currently being studied for its vasoconstrictive properties, due to its Vitamin P. Lowers tissue sensitivity, activates circulation, and helps reduce local inflammation. Ivy has a long history in folk medicine for use in cases of skin eruptions and skin ulcerations. It is also widely used to dress wounds and treat pus-exuding sores. Coadjutant in treatment of wrinkles.

MENTHOL: A natural cooling agent, derived from mint oils. Anti-inflammatory and anti-itching to the skin. Imparts a cool, fresh and clean feeling to the skin. Has a soothing property if used in concentrations of 1% or less.

METHYLSILANOL MANNURONATE: This is an organic derivative of seaweed that binds moisture in the epidermis, thus firming and strengthening the skin. It is also known to act as an anti-oxidant to actively prevent the acceleration of premature aging. It is used when a positive effect on the sustaining skin tissue is desired, for reduction and prevention of the effects of coetaneous aging, for destroying free radicals, and for moisturizing. In vitro studies have shown that Methylsilanol Mannuronate normalizes cellular metabolism, is a tissue regenerator and aids in the reduction of cellulite.

PANTHENOL: Also known as Vitamin B%, acts as a penetrating moisturizer. It imparts a nonirritant; nonsensitizing, moisturizing, and conditioning feel and promotes normal keratinization and wound healing. Panthenol protects the skin against sunburn, provides relief from existing sunburn, and enhances the natural tanning process.

PAULLINIA CUPANA (Guarana Seed) Extract: High in tannins and caffeine (higher in caffeine than any other plant source), it is used in cosmetic preparations as an astringent and to stimulate circulation.

ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS (Rosemary) Oil: Valued for its reviving, blood vessel widening, and invigorating properties, used as a tissue toner and firmer. Its astringent and antiseptic nature stimulates metabolic processes in the skin’s dermal layer. It acts as a stimulant to both the hair follicles and circulation in the scalp and may help combat premature baldness. Rosemary is known to be very beneficial in cases of acne, dermatitis and eczema.

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Filed under Entrepreneurship, health and wellness, It Works! Global