Category Archives: law of attraction

What Looks Like Chaos is Often Really Order



Painting by Katelyn Mariah, title The Compass of the Heart.

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” ~ Cynthia Occelli

Be careful what you ask for because the Universe can be very efficient!

Often when someone comes down with a life threatening illness, people say to the that they created it with there thoughts, because that is what the Law of Attraction Movement has thought us.

For the most part this is not a compliment about how powerful a creator you are but a shaming comment about the “mess” you have created.

I invite you to set that aside for a moment and look at a different perspective.

Yes, I created the heart journey I have been on for 3+ years, but not out of a negative construct but out of positive intention setting.

Say, What?

My positive intentions set this all in motion so that I COULD realize my desires.

On March 8, 2016 I did a release and intention setting ritual on an important date astrologically for me. I remember thinking “I hope I didn’t do too much”. Oops, too late!

I am in fact a powerful creator and manifesting magnetic and what might look like a “big mess” is really the most efficient way to get to what I desire to create.  Twelve days after the ritual I had the first heart attack.

Everything that was not in alignment with my desire had to be released.  These were cellular issues that I couldn’t see, that having a series of Heart events helped me see clearly.  We see this clearing happening on the personal and planetary level right now. The weather is a great purging force. In my case my whole world had to fall apart to be put back together in a new way so my path was clear.

The Law of Attraction would have us believe that we desire something and boom it’s there in front of you. This is rarely true. Yes I have had a few instant manifestation but they are more the exception and not the rule.  We waste a lot of time feeling shame and being hard on ourselves because we don’t have the Law of Attraction wand of instant manifestation. Surely we must be doing something wrong.

Oh no we aren’t.

The Universe and my soul chose the fastest, most efficient way to clear the path for me to manifest my desires. I could have set intentions Year after year until the cows came home and never seen the results I wanted.  I am starting to see evidence in my life that I am moving in the direction of my dreams.

Having your heart broken open over and over and facing death is great at revealing what you need to see. Ohms and a magic wand would never have shown me what I needed to see.

I have a deep sense of peace, purpose and rightness about what I have gone through and how it’s serving my evolution.

So, what looks like chaos is often really order in the big scheme of things!

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Filed under A wakening consciousness, heart Health, law of attraction, Resilient Heart

On the Bridge Between Stories


On the bridge between stories, where nothing has seemed to change, is a precarious place. What you see and what you want to create are not a match and you can almost taste the shift happening, but nothing is moving. The old story isn’t serving you and you know there is something better.

We have all been there.

That is the place where you must focus on what you want to create and not on what “reality “ is showing you. That is the time when you must believe in magic, imagination, dreaming, mystery and all those things you were told not to believe in when you were a child.

Many people give up at this point because it is hard space to hold. It’s hard to believe in something you can’t see, but you must. This is extremely difficult when “reality “ is pressing down on you.  Stay the course.

And you will, because that better life you dream of for yourself can be the new reality. It might be just around the corner.

Trust and belief that there is something better is what is required, but not easy to achieve. In your heart it is easy to believe, in your mind it is not, so go to your heart and hang out there. Breathe…

Your heart will take you right into that new story. Let it.❤️

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Filed under heart Health, Just thoughts, law of attraction

Instant Manifestation


A curious thing happened to me last night that got me thinking about manifestation.I have had similar experiences before.

When I was getting ready to go to sleep I was listening to music. My phone kept sending me messages that people where liking things on my Etsy site. I thought , “Yay, I am getting momentum!” A couple more notifications came and I actually said out loud to my cats, “Wouldn’t it be fun to hear a ‘Cha ching’”, the sound you hear when someone makes a purchase. It was a matter of seconds and I hear “ChaChing!” Someone had made a purchase.

It got me curious. My sense of playfulness and lack of attachment caused the instant manifestation. How could I make it that easy with the other things that I want to manifest. Ah, to be in that place of the child, where life is a playground, where I am just a curious, playful kid exploring, with no attachments and things that I want just pop into my reality.

I think these small manifestations show us that we can manifest the bigger things if we get into that same space. That is what alignment is, right?


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Filed under law of attraction, Personal development