Category Archives: Empowered Health and Wellness

Protection from the Corona Virus!

We have what we need within us to navigate the global health crisis happening in the world right now.

I know from the personal experience of surviving 5 heart attacks and open heart surgery that if we tap into our inner physician/inner healer/innate intelligence we will know what to do for ourselves to stay healthy and keep our immune systems strong. I believe I wouldn’t have survived had I not listened to my inner physician. It inspired me to try alternative methods for healing my heart.

According to Dr. Albert Schweitzer, “Each patient carries his own doctor inside him. “ he encouraged his fellow doctors to work with that intelligence because he believed it was a powerful healer.

I am urging each of you to do the same. First you have to believe you have innate healing intelligence. Next you need to start working with it. I Work with mine through conversations in my journal.

I published “Empowered Health and Wellness, awakening your inner physician “ in 2014 after 9 years of writing my personal healing experiences and researching healing techniques. It won an award a few years ago for best book on alternative health.

It’s the book I return to when I need health and wellness guidance.

Hindy Hedgehog’ Magical Garden is the companion book for children that teaches them about the inner healer.

From my book: “If the patient is only seen as “ill” he is cut off from his inner capacity to heal and he gives his power away to the doctor. Those who are aware that they have the innate power of the Inner Physician are empowered to work on their own behalf to find the best solutions, whether it is allopathic medicine, alternative means of healing or a combination of things.”

I urge all of my friends to start working with their inner physician. As you learn to work with it you will find you get concise information just for you. Like your own prescription for health.

And PLEASE don’t give your power over to fear. That will challenge your immune system and set you up.

Fear is a consciousness and it has increased exponentially. Do your best to choose health consciousness. Our choice can help or hinder health in others.

We can navigate this crisis together.

Books referenced here available from Mystick Creek Publishing

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Filed under Awakening The Inner Physician, Empowered Health and Wellness, health and wellness, Uncategorized

My News

As the title of my blog states, I am into health and wellness. I want to provide my clients with the best available nutrition products. I always keep my eye open for the best of the best.

Many of you know I had a very successful health and wellness network marketing business before all of the heart issues started. I had been with The same company  for 9 years and had 85,000 customers and distributors under me and was making a great income. I lost momentum when I got sick and watched my business fall apart because I didn’t have energy to work. I didn’t want to rebuild when I started to feel better because The company was no longer in alignment with my values and I could stay just to make money.

I chose network marketing because it is the only vehicle that allows the flexibility I need to also focus on my passion and reason for being here. It is also the vehicle for some of the most cutting edge products on the market.

I have looked for a better fit for myself over the past three years and even joined a few companies but nothing really clicked and I couldn’t get excited about them.

I have finally found a company that meets all of my standards for quality, with supplements everyone uses. They are organic, non-gmo, plant based, gluten and dairy free, and not tested on animals. They have white papers for all of their products and a skilled, well known formulator. The incentive program is amazing!

The products are affordable and they have a sample program so people can try thing to see if they work for them.

The line includes:

Full Spectrum CBD

Essential Oils

SuperFood Nutrition

Liquid Minerals

and more

I am excited to get started with a company I can stand behind and create a successful business again.

If you would like to see why I am excited follow these links:

My Website

Shop for Products

90 Weight Loss Challenge…earn $500 for losing weight!  

Learn about Business Opportunity

Buy Samples


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Filed under Conscious Network Marketing, Empowered Health and Wellness, Entrepreneurship, health and wellness, network marketing, new beginnings



Right before I woke up I was thinking about how persistent I am and how we need to encourage people not to give up.

Persistence is one of my super powers.

There isn’t one giant step that leads to creating what we desire, it’s a series of small steps, taken until you arrive.

I make it look easy to create miraculous and magical experiences and sometimes it is but it really isn’t most of the time. Yes, somethings manifest easily but usually there are steps involved. My participation is required and it takes a lot for me to give up.

I think asking and believing something is possible helps us take the necessary steps to get us there.

As long as I can see possibilities I keep going. I know when it is time to change course.

I ask for the miracle and then I do my part, which is to listen to my heart and take the steps. It’s a combination of persistence and letting go. Otherwise persistence can turn into resistance.

Some times that means being lead to a nutrition supplement that will support me. Sometimes it calls for a series of paintings. Sometimes a walk in the forest everyday. Sometimes a change in my eating. Sometimes it means doing nothing and trusting the outcome. Sometimes it is about calming down my stress so I can heal. It always includes a deep connection to my heart and Inner guidance system and daily conversation with it in my journal. Sometimes it is a combination of a lot of steps and modalities I have learned over the years.

The point is to, put it out there, hold the vision and participate in bringing it into reality how ever you are guided by your heart to do that.

Don’t give up, believe in the possibilities and listen to your heart.

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Filed under A wakening consciousness, Empowered Health and Wellness, health and wellness

Believe in Miracles!


I had to share! Miracles happen💫

I was supposed to have oral surgery today. I am so phobic about the dentist so my anxiety was extremely high this morning. And while I was waiting for the dentist I thought about leaving a couple of times.

They were going to cut open my gums and do a procedure to clear an infection. I went out last night and stocked up on soft foods.

A couple of weeks ago in meditation I asked for a miracle. I asked that the issue healed so I wouldn’t have to have surgery. I was given a special technology to work with. The message I received was that the doctor would change his mind about what he would be doing because I wouldn’t need surgery.

The dentist came in and looked at my teeth and said, so we are going to pull that tooth. I have a tooth that is loose that needs to be pulled. I said what about that fistula on the other tooth that you were going to do surgery on? He looked again and looked at my records and said, “you’re right there was a fistula on the other side, but it’s gone now.” I asked if that ever happens and he said it’s rare.

I went to the waiting room with tears in my eyes and told my daughter about asking for a miracle and not needing surgery. She was there as my driver because I wasn’t supposed to drive afterwards.

I drive her crazy with my miracles! She said now you will think you can heal anything. I said yep, the tumor is next!!!

Tears of gratitude!


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Filed under Empowered Health and Wellness, health and wellness, Personal development, Uncategorized

A Calm Heart


Progress report!
Supplement plus inner work.

I wanted to make sure this wasn’t a just fluke before I posted this.

I am super excited about this!!!

Ever since the first heart attack 3 1/2 years ago I could feel my heart beating in my chest all of the time. I am not saying I would put my hand over my heart and feel it beating. I didn’t have to do that. It was beating so that I could feel it without touching my chest.

It wasn’t because I was stressed out. It was when My bpm was normal 60-70 BPM. When I was stressed out it was 5 times as strong like it was going to jump out of my chest. Sometimes it was hard to go to sleep because I could feel it in the front and the back. It was pounding with a normal heart rate as if it wanted my constant attention. It wanted me to see something.

I don’t know if other people feel their heart beat like this, but I never did. It did it’s thing and I didn’t pay attention because I couldn’t feel it.

I did some deep emotional clearing on the solar eclipse and I started the second week of the supplement I am taking.

Yesterday I woke up and my heart wasn’t beating like it has for 3 1/2 years. I can’t feel it. It sounds weird to say I am excited that I can’t feel my heart beating , but I am. It blows me away, actually.

My heart feels quiet and peaceful. It feels like it is beating to a new joyful frequency. I feel this unexplainable joy frequency in my body.

I see this as huge progress toward the wellness I am moving toward. I have seen what my heart wanted me to see and now it has settled down. Maybe it is telling me the tumor is gone. Time will tell. With a joyful, peaceful heart, healing is probable ❤️

I have an amazing heart. No doubt about it!

PS…I am curious if other people feel there heart beat all of the time?

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Filed under Empowered Health and Wellness, heart Health, Resilient Heart