Category Archives: Women in Business

A New Model for Business


Women don’t need to be BAD @SS to be successful in life, whether in relationships, love or business.

We are running the Divine Feminine Energy, which is magnetic for success.

This is my True nature…

This is one of the biggest reasons I chose the new business I chose.

This company is BIRTHING a new model for business that is EXPANSIVE like the feminine, yet it is grounded like the masculine.

Like the feminine it is EVER CHANGING with the times, yet stable like the masculine.

Like the feminine, the corporate team is OPEN, RECEPTIVE and LISTENING to the field, yet focused and following a plan like the masculine.

Like the feminine, product development is CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE, yet strategic like the masculine.

Like the feminine the comp plan is GENEROUS, and because the corporate team is a balance of masculine and feminine it feels like home to women and men alike.

This is the direction companies that are current need to move. The balance of masculine and feminine will change the world.

I said yes because I support the balance of masculine and feminine.

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Filed under Conscious Network Marketing, Feminine Business Model, Women in Business

Why is Network Marketing the best Opportunity for Women?


What’s the best business for women? Network Marketing, also known as Direct Sales! 

Let me describe my Network Marketing business, It Works! Global, the one that puts me in the top income earners with the company, and see if it’s something that might appeal to you:

1-Flexible schedule

2-No Boss

3-income potential

4-Offer something everyone uses

5-Has a product everyone wants and they can only get from a Distributor

6-No inventories to maintain

7-No deliveries to make

8-Take vacation when you want


10-Nothing to ship

11-Wide-open global market

12-Incredible tax benefits

13-Work from home or office

14-Spend more time with your family

15-Puts women first

16-Unlimited income potential

17-No competing for pay raises

18-Low Start-up cost  (as little as $99

19-Low monthly costs ($100)

20-Great Bonus’


22-Make new friends


24-Women are all about relationships, so is Network Marketing!

Want to know more? What woman wouldn’t!

Sure, I make a great living, but the income happens because I’m in a business that enables me to do what I love to do every day, help people improve their health and wealth.

But it wasn’t always this way. Far from it.

I went to college and got a BFA and a Masters degree (big expense there) and worked as a psychologist for 26 years.  I was a single mom and when my kids were young I had to work three jobs to make ends meet.  When I worked only two jobs there was never enough money to stretch to the end of the month.  I racked up a lot of credit card debt, close to $30,000 because of that.  Even when I was getting paid at the top of my pay scale I couldn’t make a dent in that debt.

When I first heard about Network Marketing I was skeptical.  I wasn’t sure if it was some pyramid scheme or not, but the earning potential and time freedom sure were enticing!  I found out later that pyramid schemes are illegal and that Network Marketing is a legitimate business model just like Corporate Jobs are.  A secret Corporate America doesn’t want you to know!

Network Marketing favors the individual and opens the door to unlimited earning potential.  I make so much more money than I did as a psychologist it is unbelievable!  It leaves me wondering why I paid all of that money to “Get a Good Job”.   I have been able to pay all that debt off buy a brand new car and take several dream trips that I didn’t think I would ever take, in the last couple of years.


I have a passion for helping women succeed in business.  If you would like to know more about Network Marketing and the company I am with send me an email at

Men, this is also a great opportunity for you!

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Filed under Entrepreneurship, It Works! Global, Women in Business