Category Archives: 31 Day experiment in Living Spontaneously

Day Thirty One-Final Day of 31 Day Experiment in Living Spontaneously

Today, July 1, is the last day of my 31 day experiment and it is also the 3rd Eclipse in 30 days.  I woke up this morning at the exact time of the eclipse so I tuned into the energy.

The Sabin symbol for 10 degrees Cancer, which is the degree Cancer is in today is

“A Large Diamond In the First Stages of the Cutting Process”  I feel like the last 30 days and the time since I left my job have been a Diamond Cutting and Polishing process, metaphorically.

According to Astrology for today it’s important to remember that eclipses are the harbingers of new beginnings.  Look at your life as a diamond in the rough, possibly ready for the last fateful tap to make it the “perfectly cut” diamond.  The symbolic degree interpretation of this eclipse suggests the potential for creating something of great value.

The affirmation for the day is Every Day and in every way, I am becoming better and better.

This chart is extremely complex, with a number of very tight minor aspects. It tells us there is a need to face reality and attend to responsibilities and obligations, while remaining open and optimistic to future potentials. A decision can be made now that eliminates a past problem and allows things to move forward freely. The challenge is to integrate new ideas during restricted circumstances. The energy exists to heal old wounds or situations by artistically expressing practical solutions. The key to success lies in the response to fateful events.

Many Aries (which is my sun sign) will look at working for themselves now, or adopting a more flexible approach, thereby freeing up work patterns. It is important not to be a slave of your work, or use it to avoid other important areas of fulfillment. 

In the relationship stakes, Saturn, the planet of commitment and responsibility, still moves through your partnership zone.

I have Uranus in Cancer at almost 6 degrees in my 7th house, the house of partnership so I am imagining the decision and change has to happen around my thoughts and feelings about partnership. This eclipse will have an impact on that area of my life.   The U7 (let’s call them), somewhat like someone with Venus in Aquarius, needs independence in his marriage or significant partnership. He won’t be tied down in any type of traditional relationship. U7 may be attracted to eccentric, brilliant or off-beat types as partners. Or he needs an unconventional arrangement — maybe an open marriage, or at least freedom from the constraints of being at his spouse’s side at all times. He may also feel that significant others are forcing change upon him, or that his spouse undergoes personal revolutions on a regular basis.

This Venus in Aquarius in my house of partnership has always been a double-edged sword for me.  I have known about it for a long time.  How it has impacted my life is that I don’t need to be in a relationship for the sake of being with someone because I am so independent.  My independence has been an issue for some men too.  But the biggest piece is that I need to be with someone who is unconventional, creative, bright and somewhat of a renaissance man, understands the law of attraction, and open-minded because that is who I am.  Add to that attractive, loving, and younger than me and that isn’t easy to find, but somehow I think it will be now.

It is cool to see that a lot of the astrological influences are reflecting just where I am and that I am on the right track.

In regards to the intention I set at the beginning of this experiment about a partner I think for the first time I really am open to a relationship with my equal.  I really believe that he exists and that our paths are converging now.  I feel like I can have both my independence and a relationship at the same time.  I didn’t feel that was possible before.  The shift comes out of knowing who I am and how I can manifest exactly what I want.

As far as re-inventing myself as an entrepreneur this experiment has helped me get clarity. I realized that when I was a therapist, a lot of my energy was being used up, keeping me stuck in my status quo.  I didn’t realize until I was on the other side that listening to and supporting clients, three days a week kept me from expanding in other areas.  Now I feel like anything is possible again.

This experiment has helped me settle into choosing to do nothing if that is what I feel like doing and that I can trust the flow of my life.  The next steps in this process are finding someone to help me with personal branding and imagine what my perfect life will look like.

The other thing that has happened is I look younger and lighter.  Everyday at least one person comments on how I look or says they didn’t even recognize me.  I have become shiny and that is youthanizing.

For my final spontaneous act in this 31 Day period I am going to a spontaneous party at my friend Valerie’s house.  When I left the house the temp gauge in my car read 101 degrees and when I arrived at her house 30 minutes later it read 75!  I drove through wind, turbulence and rain to get to the party.  Interesting metaphor!

Thank you to everyone who has read this blog for the past 31 days and followed my journey.  I hope it has somehow inspired you to expand yourself in a new way.

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Filed under 31 Day experiment in Living Spontaneously, Law of attraction in business

Day Twenty-nine-Experiment in Living Spontaneously

Today I went to Co-Working Wednesday with the Magic Wand Collective. I have been wanting to be more active and not that I am not working I can do that. If you don’t know about the Collective it is a community for Women in business in the Twin Cities. I am one of the founding members. I was attracted to it because of the philosophy of abundance, creativity and supporting each other through connections/relationship. The group has only been in existence a short time but they have some much to offer business women in our community. For example today I was excited because I had signed up for a reasonably priced head shot session with photographer Theresa Hermes. Theresa made is fun and easy and I can’t wait to see the photos!

In the same vein I am happy that all of the details came together today for the Magnetic Business Women group, that I created to start having Happy Hours! Now that I am not working this group is going to evolve into something even more amazing.

I got a wonderful email from Leissa of Leissa’s Hair Studio about the interview I did with her. This is what she said:

“Your article was amazing and a inspiration even to my staff.Even they need to hear some stuff again as it seems in this busy world we forget about miracles and little things that make life so much more worth living.”

This is why I love doing the Interviews With Magnetic Business Women.

This afternoon I met one of my distributors at a kiddy park so her daughter could play while I did some coaching and dreaming with her. The kiddy park was filled with excited, playful kid energy. I got there before my distributor so I interacted with some of the children who were there. I spent about 45 minutes with my distributor and got her back on track with and action plan.

Tonight some of our team got together for team training.  When we get together it is really fun.  Tonight we played the Residual Income Game which is an actual simulator that helps you improve your network marketing skills.  It creates a simulation which makes your brain feel like you are really building a business.  This is a fabulous tool for team development and growth in business building.  You can learn more on the link on the lower right of this blog page.

As you can see by the pictures we were having a lot of fun.  If it isn’t fun we won’t do it!

Team playing the Residual Income Game


This is the Residual Income Game







Some of our team members

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Filed under 31 Day experiment in Living Spontaneously

DAy Twenty-Eight-Experiment in Living Spontaneosly

There wasn’t much spontaneity today because both of the things I did were planned and on my calendar.  I met my dear friend Che’ Lisa for lunch at Good Earth.  This is us having a glass of wine before lunch.  This was the first time we have been able to be together without our It Works team and just catch up since she arrived almost 6 weeks ago.  It was great to go shopping after at several of the funky shops in the Galeria.

Tonight in keeping with my intention to meet someone, as in a man, I went to a singles event.  It was a happy hour at a bar in Uptown.  As usual it was 80% women!   I did talk to one man for a while but for the most part I met several nice women.

Today was just a regular day…

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Filed under 31 Day experiment in Living Spontaneously

Day Twenty-Seven- Experiment in Spontaneous Living

What an awesome day!

I started the day driving to Menomonie, WI to interview Leissa at Leissa’s Hair Studio.  The drive was beautiful and peaceful.  I love Menomonie.  I discovered it a couple of months ago and fell in love with Leissa’s salon. She met me with her little puppy in a pouch on her tummy and a pan of brownies in her other hand.  I felt like a welcomed guest.  You can read the interview  under ” Interviews with Magnetic Business Women” in this blog.

During the interview my artwork came up in the conversation and I pulled up a few images on my cell phone from my web gallery.  For the second time in two days someone begged me to start painting again.  Leissa said she could feel the energy coming from the paintings.  She suggested that I do greeting cards with the images and felt they would sell very well.  I really need to spend a day organizing my studio so I can start painting soon.

I found myself feeling very grateful for my health after spending time with Leissa who has a chronic illness that keeps her in bed for days at a time.  I rarely get sick and never have to worry about my health getting in the way of what I want to do from day to day.

Tonight I did a Wrap and Lose party for four women.  I have been intending to do more parties so I am happy that it is starting to manifest.  Each of the women wrapped and there was a total of 11 1/2 inches lost in 45 minutes.  What I love most about doing parties is that everyone transforms in 45 minutes and leaves happier.  I did book a second party from this one which was a bonus and have a potential distributor that might join me team.

I am coming to the end of my experiment and I will write about how it has impacted me at the end.

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