I have been with It Works! Global for almost 4 and 1/2 years and have watched it grow and evolve in amazing ways.  The  theme for 2012 has been ONE TEAM ONE MISSION and it has brought the company and the teams together in new ways.


ONE TEAM ONE MISSION means a commitment to support It Works! Global from the prospective that we are one team on the same mission with the goal of sharing amazing products for health and wellness and creating a new paradigm of wealth across the globe.

ONE TEAM ONE MISSION is a team made up of individuals that have integrity, honesty, team spirit, compassion and passion. Individuals who will go out of their way to support a team mate no matter where they fall in the down line of the company. It is made up of individuals that are grateful to be part of a life changing opportunity. We know we have the best products on the planet and therefore we don’t have to compare them to what other companies have, we just know and our knowing speaks for itself!

TEAM: We work together toward each others success. We don’t worry about what is in it for us because we know that when we support others to be successful we are in turn successful. We come from a place of abundance and know that there is enough for everyone. We understand that this opportunity is a once in a life time opportunity. We step up to the plate to help each other and don’t sit back and think others will build our team for us. Team effort means working together.

ONE TEAM ONE MISSION is made up of the corporate team, the leaders and the downline. Without each of these components there would be no team or mission. The energy flow from the top of the company, through the leaders into the downline and felt as one. People around us can feel this energy and are drawn to it.

UPLINE: These people have been in the business longer than you and have great wisdom through experience. Some have been with It Works for 4, 5, 7 years, when know one had heard about us. They are pioneers and they believed when it might have been hard to believe. They made a commitment to the company because they experienced the amazing results from the products and wanted to share them with others. They were in the trenches paving the way so it is easy for you to share the It Works products. They are leaders, that have tenacity, vision and experience and should be respected, no matter what their title is. They should be edified when you are talking to other people. We don’t call them out in public, be it a conference call, on Facebook or at a meeting, if we think they are wrong we go to them privately. If they offer to support you and your team in a special way, be grateful. If they invite you to be at and event with them, jump for joy because they see potential in you and want to foster that. If they come to you from out of town, treat them like a guest, pamper them, pick them up from the airport, treat them to dinner, give them flowers. They do not expect this, it is you showing them that you are honored to have them help you build your team. Go to them when you need support or have difficulties with your team. The downline is not the place to share how stressed out you are or who you have issues with. You want to keep your downline strong and stress free and teach by example how to be a leader.


These are people who have caught the vision and want to be successful, healthy and experience freedom. They are dreamers, and their dreams are precious. As their upline we want to be incubators for their dreams, and we hold those dreams for them at times when they lose sight of them. We were once in the same place and know how it feels to be in their shoes and we show compassion. They are the leaders of the future in this company. We as upline are grateful to have them playing with us and we lead them by our example, teach them easy steps that will take them to success. If they go astray, we steer them back in the right direction. We are coaches, we are compassionate during struggles, we encourage when they feel discouraged and are cheerleaders during successes. We help them hold themselves accountable because we know that the business is theirs not ours. We respect each other as team mates. We also know when to let them go, whether it is to step up to the plate and lead or walk away from the opportunity entirely.

We are ONE TEAM WITH ONE MISSION AND WE COMPLETE THIS MISSION THE IT WORKS WAY! We have friendship, fun and freedom as we support each other and the company to experience extreme success.

I love the theme for 2013, MISSION POSSIBLE, rethink the impossible and I am excited to find out what it is!! for on going details.

How wouldn’t want to be part of a company that is this visionary?

Learn more about the company at

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