The Business of Holistic Health

Your prayer causes you to focus, and the Law of Attraction causes everything in the Universe that’s in vibrational harmony with your focus to come to you.

Abraham-Hicks, Lincroft, NJ, G-10/15/96

We have with in our bodies an innate ability to heal.  If this is true why are so many people sick?  I have been a fan of the Abraham-Hicks materials for many years and I believe in the Law of Attraction.  This law is not new to us through Abraham-Hicks, it is a law that has been true since the beginning of time, that we are just becoming aware of again.

It is not hocus pocus or New Age fluff that our thoughts create our reality.  We are either sick or healthy depending upon the qualities of our thoughts.  This understanding is stated beautifully in this passage from the children’s book Sara, that is part of the body of work of Abraham-Hicks

You see, your bodies are made up of trillions of cells, each holding the vision of their perfection and of their perfect place in the perfect whole…You see, Sara, every time anyone, even a tiny little cell in your body, asks for something – it is always given. So, when a body is injured, in some way, the cells closest to the injury calculate exactly what they need to regain their balance – and they send out immediate requests. And, instantly, the Energy begins to flow, and all other aspects of the body being to respond, too. Special helping nutrients of all kinds begin making their way through the body, and the natural healing  begins, immediately. And when the person, who lives in this body, is happy or eager, or appreciative – then the healing is allowed. But if that person is sad or angry, or fearful – the healing is hindered or resisted.

Abraham-Hicks information in Sara (Book for children) pgs. 112-113

Our cells not only give signals to the body systems but also to us as they send us information of what they need to return to health.  Often times we miss the signals because we are so busy focused on what is wrong with us.  It becomes a vicious cycle because the more energy and focus you put on an issue the bigger it becomes.

I have experienced painful, physical issues, so I know how difficult it is to take your focus off of what is happening in your body, to putting your focus on a new story that will turn the issue around.  It is challenging to focus on harmony and wholeness when that is not what you are experiencing, but that is the very prescription you need to return to health.

I also believe that issue in our physical body block our ability to be radiant, magnetic and live the life of our dreams.  How can the pain in my shoulder keep me from manifesting a new house or a new job?  When we are in pain we are angry, fearful and frustrated, which are lower vibrational thoughts, and it is impossible to manifest from that vibrational state.  Manifestation occurs out of aligned, grateful, joyful, happy thoughts, which are higher vibrational thoughts.

I believe there is a pathway from the lower vibration thoughts to the higher vibrational thoughts and it is something everyone can do.  I have done it each time I have moved from sickness to harmony and health after an illness.  The pathway is a whole body approach which includes the mind, the body, emotions and spirit. It includes removing toxins and giving your body the proper nutrition so that it can bring itself back into balance.  This may sound complicated and overwhelming to think about shifting your thoughts, feeding your body appropriate nutrition, especially if you feel sick, but it is not if you have someone to guide you.

I feel that I have had the experiences I have had in my life so that I can be a midwife for others who desire a return to health. I have written about my own journey in my upcoming book, “Empowered Health” unleashing the inner physician.

Using what I have learned, I guide people through a whole body experience that will create the pathway back to health and harmony so they can return to their natural state of radiance and magnetism and back to creating a life of your dreams.  If you are ready to transform your life drop me an email or give me a call so we can see if this is right for you.

Be as happy as you want to be in a world gone mad. Be as safe as you want to be in a world that is afraid of everything. Be as healthy as you want to be in a world that is mostly sick. Don’t let the statistics that someone else has created affect you. You get to choose — you are wise enough, smart enough, deliberate enough.

Abraham-Hicks, G 11/24/90

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